ALL GIRLS FORWARD: Girls Empowerment Program

Happy friends having fun outside, looking something at side
A group of four multi-ethnic young women, 18 years old, wearing graduation caps and gowns, holding diplomas, smiling at the camera, waving.
Teacher helping high school students with technology

AWF’s ALL GIRLS FORWARD: Girls Empowerment Program aims to ensure Atlanta's girls are empowered through education, socio-emotional development, and pregnancy prevention. Over the next five years, All Girls Forward will support local nonprofit organizations in providing the critical combination of services needed to ensure Atlanta's girls experiencing poverty can be on a level playing field with their peers.

This combination of services includes access to the following:

  • mental & physical health services;
  • supplemental educational opportunities, including STEM activities;
  • college readiness support;
  • mentoring; and
  • financial literacy programming.

Program objectives include:

  • empowering and educating a minimum of 5,000 girls at or below 200% of the federal poverty level;
  • leveraging and expanding girl-focused programs in metro Atlanta with a priority on expanding services in Clayton County;
  • creating new gender-based educational and health-related programs for girls; and
  • developing a body of knowledge about the potential causes and solutions and making these findings available to policymaking entities.


With your support, AWF plans to invest $2.5 million in local girl-serving nonprofits by 2027.

AWF is grateful to the 2022 East Cobb Middle School Beta Club for their lead gift of $800!


Special Thanks to:

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Behind every number is a girl...

Sisters Asma and Nasteho have spanned continents and cultures in their young lives, adapting to many changes in their home, language, and educational environments. The sisters first enrolled at AWF Grantee Partner Global Village Project (GVP) in Decatur, Georgia, in August 2014, arriving in the U.S. from Djibouti, a small country on the northeastern coast of Africa, where their parents, originally from Somalia, had raised their daughters in a refugee camp. GVP's AWF-supported educational model is designed to remove the barriers to learning that exist for refugee students like Asma and Nasteho. This is especially pertinent for young women, who, on average, receive fewer years of schooling prior to arriving in the U.S. than their male counterparts. The sisters have adapted to change with grace, showing immense resolve, open-mindedness, and resilience. Nasteho says that what has helped her transition to high school and beyond was realizing, “It does not matter how I looked; all that mattered was that I tried my best and achieved my dreams.” And try her best she has: Nasteho was awarded a Posse Scholarship, a prestigious award that recognizes individuals with extraordinary leadership potential. She has now completed her first three years of study on a full tuition scholarship to George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and is participating in ongoing leadership training with other Posse Scholars. Currently back home in the Atlanta area for the summer, she is completing a research and policy internship with the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia. Nasteho also has plans to study abroad in Sweden this fall.

Give to help more girls like Asma and Nasteho!

Yes, I want to make a donation to help girls live safe, economically self-sufficient, and vibrant lives!

Project Goal

Girls experiencing poverty will have access job readiness programs, financial literacy, supplemental educational opportunities including STEM activities, childcare scholarships for teen moms, mentoring, and physical and mental health care services to include coping and social skill development.

2023-2024 Grantees

Click each row below to expand and learn more! Grants support girls living at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines